So Fittable, My special one
and only choice

SOFIT is a customized facial silicone implant based on various clinical cases
and technology accumulated through “SOFTXiL"

So Fittable,
My special one and only choice

SOFIT is a customized facial silicone implant
based on various clinical cases and
technology accumulated through “SOFTXiL"

SOFIT Manufacturing Process

The process of becoming beautiful with SOFIT

Take a CT scan and a picture of the patient.
Both are needed for error-free and accurate data production. If there is filler in the area to be operated on,
the CT scan and photography are performed after melting the filler in order to produce a more accurate customized implant.
Select an implant that is suitable for you from the ‘SOFTXiL’ consultation box and proceed with consultation for the operation plan.
The order for SOFTXiL based customized implant SOFIT will be placed.
Production of SOFIT takes one week.
Once your personal customized implant is ready, the operation will begin.

People who make SOFIT

We concern for better implants for you
SOFIT Designer SOFIT Designer The SOFIT is designed as patient specific by an experienced expert who has sence to create natural beauty based on the patient CT data.
3D Operator 3D Operator We use safe materials for 3D printing mold which is biocompatible materials that can contact with human skin for over 30 days.
Injection Operator Injection Operator Verified experts who have completed the in-house educational curriculum make the product.
Inspection Specialist Inspection Specialist Each process is inspected three times to ensure if there are any problems with product production
Process Operator
Sterilization Process Operator To produce a safe product, after sterilizing the product, it goes through the process of confirming
the effectiveness of sterilization through a microbial culture test.